Daisy & Shadow

Daisy and Shadow are siblings found as strays and are approximately 16 weeks old.

Shadow is a bouncy and curious boy. At first, he will appear timid, especially when he sees something new, but will quickly warm up and realize that it is not so scary. He is an absolute purr monster. When he locks eyes with you, he purrs instantly even when he’s not being petted. He eats dry kitten kibble and will gobble up his wet food every time as if it were the first meal he’s ever received, then he will also try and steal his sister’s share. He is not choosy and loves to play with all kinds of toys.  He uses his litter box with zero issues. He can make a big mess ensuring that smelly business is 100% covered, but a litter mat will fix that problem! Shadow has a particular way of drinking and likes to test the water bowl with his paw to make sure it’s up to his standards before he laps it up (while making a mess – a food tray is very helpful!). He uses the scratching post and loves to be up on high places. He likes to pounce on and wrestle with his sister.  We would love for him to be adopted with his sister but may consider a home with another young cat for him to play with. Do not apply just for him if you have no other pets. He needs a friend. 

 Daisy is a lovely, sweet girl that has started to tell foster mom everything about her day with a loud voice. She loves to be held and cuddled and will purr forever in your arms. She is an avid escape artist and is quick to calculate her next move when she sees your hand on the door handle. She is always curious to see where you are going in the house and demands to see what is on the other side of a closed door. As she is easily distracted, she eats kibble and wet food slower than her brother. Foster mom simply brings her back to the food bowl and reminds her that there is still wet food left which she happily digs in – until she gets distracted again and so the cycle continues. Her litter box usage is excellent. She loves using the cat tree and climbing high on it. She loves all kinds of toys as well. Daisy has taken a liking to the Chihuahua, following him around and playing tag. Daisy is a skilled acrobat and her favourite moves to show off are her crazy somersaults. We would love for Daisy to be adopted with her brother Shadow but will consider a home with other friendly pets. Do not apply just for her if you have no other cats/dogs in the home. A pair is always better than one. It is less work as they can occupy each other and keep each other company when you are not home. 

Daisy and Shadow are available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue.  The adoption donation is $200 per cat. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at GrandRiverRescue@hotmail.com.


These three siblings were rescued by a kind lady who has been helping the cats at a rural property. Unfortunately, their mother was killed by a dog so they came into rescue at the age of about 4 weeks. They were dehydrated and cold so they needed medical attention as soon as they were found.  All three have been fighting eye infections but these seem to be clearing up.
Thankfully they have made a full recovery and are now happy and thriving. They are now almost 8 weeks old.

Frankie (black and white female) is the leader of the bunch. She is curious and bold and not really afraid of anything. She is also the loudest when she needs attention. She was a little rough in her play when she first arrived but now plays nicely and loves to take on the bigger fosters in the home. We would like for her to be adopted with one of her siblings if possible or to a home that has a young cat she can model and play with.

Cheeka (full tabby female) She is the quietest of the group.  She is reserved and is usually in tow of one of the others.  She is actually the most cuddly with the humans and will snuggle right up in your neck to sleep. Just like Frankie and Theo; we would like for her to be adopted with one of her siblings or go to a home that has a young cat.

Theo (white/tabby male) Theo gets along with everyone.  He has some bold moments and plays well with everyone whether his siblings or the big cats in the home.  He is not really a fan of being held by the humans but will snuggle up with the other animals. Just like Frankie and Cheeka we would like Theo to be adopted with one of his siblings or go to a home that has a young cat.

All three of these guys have been around a large dog and are fine if the dog is respectful.

Cheeka, Theo, and Frankie are available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue.  The adoption donation is $200 per cat. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at GrandRiverRescue@hotmail.com.


Ozzy has been a great foster, and would make an amazing companion. She is beautiful all around! She has a very friendly personality, and loves human company. She warms up to people quickly. She loves to cuddle, and will lay on your lap! She loves to snuggle her head closer. She loves to be pet, but be careful not to touch certain areas she doesn’t like to be touched (she may attempt to scratch, but no worries – she’s declawed).

Ozzy is 11 years old, but still very active and outgoing. To Ozzy, age is just a number! Don’t let the photo fool you, she is a long haired cat that was recently shaved due to matts she had when she came to us.  Her owner passed away and her adult children were going to euthanize her as she was having an issue with the litter box in their home but turns out it was due to being overweight and matted and possibly stressed.  She was surrendered to our vet clinic and we were able to save her. Her bloodwork was all clear and since being in her foster home she has had no issues. She is on a good diet, her matts are gone and she is a happy girl.  She hopes to find her forever home soon! She would like to be the only cat in an adult home. If you have some room in your heart and some love to give, Ozzy is your girl! 

Ozzy is available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue.  The adoption donation is $200. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at GrandRiverRescue@hotmail.com.


They call me Pierre. I am about three years old. I lost my family and no one claimed me. I was outside wandering for a  while when I landed on the front step of a nice foster lady. She started giving me cool water and food which I really appreciated. It was really hot out! She took me in and and we became close friends very quickly. I love lots of pets and scratches and very much enjoy cuddling. There are others cats and dogs in the house and we were instant friends. My foster mom says I am a good boy because I always use my litter box. I love the wet and dry food that I get every day and I really like to curl up in the cat bed. It’s very cozy. Because my family is lost and no one is able to find them, I have been put up for adoption to give me another chance with a real family. If you want to meet me and hang out, contact Grand River Rescue at www.grand River rescue.ca.

Pierre is available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue.  The adoption donation is $200. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at GrandRiverRescue@hotmail.com.


Meet Mango! 

Mango was found on the centre line of a busy country road in the middle of a thunderstorm. He was wet, cold, dirty and terrified and weighed a mere 200 grams.  Over the past four weeks, Mango has grown and developed into a curious, fun loving kitten who loves to cuddle.  He is now about 8 weeks old ( as of July 29th) He loves to chase his ball and will playfully run and wrestle with his foster family.  Mango is generally a quiet kitty and sleeps well through the night.  He uses his litter box reliably and will even head to a different floor of the house to use his box at only 8 weeks old!

Looking at Mango now you would never know of his rough start.  He has a beautiful orange coat with the most unique striping on his back and big curious eyes.  He is affectionate and loves to cuddle with and groom his foster family snuggling up closely under their necks. Mango is the perfect combination of sweet and spunky!  If you would like to give Mango a forever home please apply! 

Mango is available for adoption through Grand River All Breed Rescue.  The adoption donation is $200. All of our cats are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated as part of their adoption. If you’d like to adopt, please fill out an application. You can also reach us by email at GrandRiverRescue@hotmail.com.